Fifteen things that maybe people don’t know about me

I am going to be a little bit off grid for a minute or two. As a placeholder, here is a brief list of some things you may not know about me. If I come back on grid, maybe there will be something more interesting.

It could happen.

1. I have been held up at gunpoint.

2. I have been married 3 times.

3. I lived in France for 3 years.

4. I have been involved with recording 3 records. I’ve never even heard the last one.

5. I used to be convinced that I would die before I was 40. Apparently I was wrong about that. Maybe I meant in dog years.

6. I have studied 5 different foreign languages: French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Arabic.

7. I studied Tribal belly dance for 2 years.

8. I am not a sea food fan.

9. I used to hate football. Blame left handed quarterbacks.

10. I have a thing for pop music.

11. Although I seldom wear it, I love lipstick. Red lipstick.

12. When I die, you should all hope that you are not the ones who have to clean out my house. Not so much because of the clutter but because I have a lot of embarrassing belongings. I don’t care. I will be dead.

13. I have an ideal death scenario.

14. I have a thing for stripey socks and argyle. Today I am wearing stripey socks and an argyle sweater. They do so go together.

15. I do not feel like anyone else’s rules about hair brushing or style apply to me. Oh. Wait. You all prolly noticed.

PS: Happy birthday to Robin, who should really be at Sandtime with us. Your personal charms and way with words will go down in Tierra del Mar history:

I’m going to need a bigger bowl…

Love you, Blonde Goddess!!!

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